Tuesday, November 04, 2008
4th November 2008Yoz all!~ Haven't added a post for eons or like my sister just said alien and donkey years. so yup...
Chinese 'A' Levels ain't that bad especially for my standard of chinese language, can't expect much XD hahaz compo was rather easy to writeand elaborate upon but the paper 2 was a tad D I F F I C U L T ! OMG!~ anyway thats one obstacle down or this year and i'm happy about it, hopefully, the listening compre and oral would push it up a lil ^^
Next major event was our somewhat miniature class outing: Bowling trip @ Tamp Safra.
Those who attended were Amanda, Andre, Bendix, Erica, Julius, Shawn, Xin Hui, Sylvester and Yours truly!~ XD hahaz... Had loads of fun on that day, played a lil air hockey and pool thereafter. Erica was kinda THRASHING me during the start of the game, then manda wanna play too so let her play =P SO... no count that erica beat me at my fav game wahaha!
Next in line is my Oral presentation. I guess i did okay for the presentation part. BUT majorly well maybe not... hmm.. minorly screw up for my Q'n'A which i failed to elaborate more upon. The thing that added my frustration and 'Zi Ze' was that one of my assessor felt that my answer was rather short and he asked Dawn Ng if i needed another question, then she said no... i go like shit! i didnt answer enough but god knows why i went back to my seat only to realise that i have more points to talk about, aight nvm its over so god bless me for my results.
One more thing! My group wasn't suppose to get a moderator, but my group members and i was super shocked when Miss Dawn Ng actually said: 'Don't start first, we're waiting for a moderator. ALAMAK! omg a mod?!?!? i tot my group don't have... but then to our amazement and joy, a super familiar face waltz into the room!~ Woohoo, Here comes Wendy Goh!~ Wow a super familiar face, its like wow! She had seem my group presented like twice or trice already, felt so relieved like wooo a familiar faced is assessing me. Also, when she eneter the room, she was err... i dunno, seemed a little suprised yet grinning away, like so stunned to see my group again. Maybe she came in on purpose to see how we'd fair. I took comfort in that she said that moderators are not there to lower the arks but to bring them up when my group meet her for practice that day.
Following the Finally Over OP, went to have dinner with Andre and Cyrus ar subway. Had Cheese Steak this time around.
Thanks Erica for reccomending, it was wonderful!~
Also Andre had something different this time! He had subway meltz. No more Chicken Teriyaki! that was said by andre the first thing we stepped into the restuarant. Had a long chat about childhood, religion and ... ...
The religious talk was rather fun as i have'nt been talking about it for quite some time after graduating from religious class.
Anyway, i'll just end here and
MAY GOD's BLESSINGS SHINE ON XIN HUI, AMANDA, BENDIX, YU QIAN AND SYLVESTER for their OP Tomorrow. Have fun and remember to relax XD
Anyway by the time you read this, i assume my silent blessings have reached you ^^
Ciaoz!~ Looking forward to our class gathering at Sentosa!~ WooHoo!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Reminiscence and Memoirs of ChildhoodToday ain't that bad, i felt sleepy for the whole morning until
recess breakfast where i had a cup of tea for the caffeine, most interesting thing is the chat with Andre about our childhood, it sure brings back memory of those innocent times. How about you guys reading this with these words...
- Power Rangers
- Lion King
- Captain Planet
- Underdog
- Looney Toons
- Tom and Jerry
- Casper
- Tamiya Cars
- Beyblade
Apart from those cartoons always had loads of fun times in front of the computer screen with games like Jazzjack rabbit and Sonic ^^
Photo of Rememberance XD Best Bowling Game (Singapore) - 140 pinfalls
Best Bowling Game (Genting) - 154 pinfalls
Introducing MaoMao!~
My groups masterpiece during Chemistry lesson when learning about electron repulsion ^^
This is Julius being vandalised by god knows who... looks funny though >.<
Nazreen's Birthday card a few months ago? >.<
Guess thats about it for now, wanna end of with something funny so here's it, read and have a laugh ^^ At least it's a lil funny for me XD
Today after getting all of Pope Benedict's luggage loaded into the Limo,the driver notices that the Pope still has not entered the Limo.
'Excuse me, Your Holiness,' says the driver, 'Would you please take your seat so we can leave?'
'Well, to tell you the truth,' says the Pope, 'they never let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive today.'
'I'm sorry, Your Holiness, but I can't let you do that. I'd lose my job!'.
'Who's going to tell ?' says the Pope with a smile. Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the Limo to 105 mph.
'Please slow down, Your Holiness!' pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear police sirens.
'Oh, dear God, I'm going to lose my license and my job!', moans the driver.
The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his Motorcycle, and gets on the radio.
'I need to talk to the Chief,' he says to the dispatcher. The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a Limo going 105.
'So bust him,' says the Chief.
'I don't think we want to do that, he's really important,' said the cop.
The Chief then asked, 'Who do you have there, the mayor ?'
Cop: 'Bigger.'
Chief: 'A senator ?'
Cop: 'Bigger.'
Chief: 'The President ?'
Cop: 'Bigger.'
"So," said the Chief, 'Who is it ?'
Cop: 'I think it's God!'
The Chief is even more puzzled and curious, 'What makes you think it's God ?'
'Well', said the Cop: His chauffeur is the Pope!'.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Woohoo, it's the month of haunts and scares, time to scare people by updating my blog!
Well... not quite, don't know why but mostly, im inspired by my best friend (Andre) in class to update blog since he'= has created one =))
Hmm one year aint no small amount of time and its really hard to find somewhere to start... nonetheless, lets just skim through my life in brief till the time i have some pictures to supplement the reading...Ohh ya! 1 more thing i love to use ... , ^^ and =)) alot in my post, hope you guys don't mind me! ^^November/December 07My 'O' level score were'nt really fascinating:
L1R5 was 14 raw... god way far off from my target of TJC ya? =X looking back, maybe im a lil overmotivated back then my superTEEN, a motivational programme held in my school for us =)) Anyway, cant really remember what i did through my year end hol's only significant thing was the christmas (will add photo's for this if i can find the disc) celebration i had at genting, it was really one of the best parties i've been to [All those in TPJC who had experience orientation night, it was better that that!] Guess that concludes this section =))
PAE 08Next , got into TPJC for PAE with my cop of 18 aint i fortunate of was it that no one wanna study for the 3 months but prefered to stay and play at home. Well, i really treasured all those friends and knowledge made and acquired buring the the months. Hmm, come to think anout it, the only people whom i knew duuring PAE till NOW are Nazreen, Bony and Jonneh! Jon was in my class, 08s01 for the 3 months. Same thing here i'll just put the most significant thing, best bet would be my CCA of ODAC, really enjoyed it alot but was
dam disappointed when they didn't have the vacancy for me to join back during JAE, was frustrated as that time but got over it and join NPCC Cadet Inspectors as a way of escapism with what little passion i have for it, just wanted an outdoor adventure part in my life =))
JAE 08 Wahaha! This is really one of the most interesting thing that crossed me path of life in several months. Well, maybe it's just because of my competitive nature and use to be super high ego that made tons of, what now seem to be 'parodys'. Nah, maybe i shouldn't go into detail about these stories.
The Most Valuable Treasures in Life!LOL
(Still updatin) Bumps... no mood to continue this post le... ill add some snippets of photos in the next post ^^
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Taking a break from studying and went to take a personality test from YK's blog =) Lalala... myust go back study le if i really want my TJC entry =X L1R5 of 18 is totally not in my league =X
You Are An ISTJ |
The Duty Fulfiller
You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done. You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings. Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you. Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy.
In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed. For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.
At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility. You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.
How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical